India captain, Rohit Sharma, who was on a break, has resumed training on Monday with a light jog ahead of the Tests versus Bangladesh starting in September. Rohit, who has called it a day from the T20I format, would continue leading the side in Tests and ODIs. In the clip that is now going viral on social space, Rohit can be seen jogging inside a park. With the Tests being part of the World Test Championship cycle, Rohit knows the importance of the series versus Bangladesh and then the one versus New Zealand. After these two Test series at home, the Indian team travels to Australia for the Border-Gavaskar trophy.
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Rohit’s Future
Now that Rohit has retired from T20Is, there is massive speculation over his future in Tests and ODIs. Rohit is 37 and in all probability, he would be there for at least the next two seasons. Rohit is arguably the best batter of the generation and there is a lot of expectations every time he walks out to bat. He recently featured in the ODI series against Sri Lanka, where he notched up scores of 58, 64 and 35. He was by far India’s standout performer. He would like to continue that form as he would realise he would be the key for India at next year’s Champions Trophy.
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Rohit would be an integral part of the side when they take on Bangladesh, New Zealand and Australia in the upcoming Tests. Rohit would be hoping he can help the side reach their third consecutive WTC final and win their maiden title next year.
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