Following the debacle at MCG, India coach Gautam Gambhir reportedly gave a mouthful to the batters. A report claims that Gambhir was unhappy the way some of the batters were dismissed at MCG and hence the reaction. With seven wickets in hand and Rishabh Pant-Yashasvi Jaiswal set in the middle, the Test was heading for a draw but then the collapse happened. According to an Indian Express report, Gambhir said, “Enough is enough” in the dressing room. Gambhir lost his cool after the tea session on the final day at MCG. The Indian team had a collapse where they lost seven wickets in a span of 124 balls.
“Shortly after India lost seven wickets in 20.4 overs and handed the Melbourne Test to Australia, head coach Gautam Gambhir had some stern words for the entire squad in the dressing room on Monday. “Bahut ho gaya (I’ve had enough),” the report stated further.
The report further claims that Gambhir did not take names, but it was evident who he meant. His message was ‘Forget your natural and play according to the situation and the team’s needs.’
“Gambhir, who took over as coach on July 9, is learnt to have talked about how he had let the team do what it wanted for the “last six months” but would now “decide” how they would play. In a veiled warning to players to toe the line, he is learnt to have said that going ahead, those who don’t abide by his pre-decided team strategy would be given a “thank you”,” the report added.
With Australia in the lead, India would need to win at Sydney to retain the Border-Gavaskar Trophy. That will not be easy with the hosts high-on-confidence. It would be interesting to see if there are changes made to the Indian XI or not.
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