Yunus, 84, arrived back in Bangladesh from Paris Thursday after he was called by the student leaders of the protests to steer democratic reforms.”I said, ‘I respect you, I admire you. What you have done is absolutely unparallelled’,” he said. “‘Because you ordered me to do this, I take your order’,” Yunus said he told them.
Yunus also said that the high-profile resignations of authorities close to Hasina are legal after student leaders who organised protests against Hasina’s govt issued ultimatums for them to quit. “Legally … all the steps were taken,” Yunus said. The country’s chief justice, five justices and central bank governor have all resigned in the past few days.
Yunus said a key priority of the interim govt is to restore the independence of the judiciary. He called former chief justice Obaidul Hassan “just a hangman”.
The interim government is expected to announce a new election, but it is not clear when it will be held. agencies
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