“We asked ChatGPT to create a recipe – the best pizza for Dubai,” Arutyunyan told the BBC.”We launched it, it was actually a huge hit, and it’s still on the menu.”
The AI-generated pizza features an eclectic mix of ingredients designed to appeal to Dubai’s diverse population, including shawarma chicken, Indian grilled paneer cheese, Middle Eastern Za’atar herbs, and tahini sauce. Despite initial scepticism, the unconventional combination has proven to be a crowd-pleaser.
“As a chef, I wouldn’t mix these ingredients ever on a pizza, but still, the mix of flavours was surprisingly good,” Arutyunyan admitted.
Arutyunyan explained that he turned to ChatGPT to create a pizza that would represent Dubai’s cultural diversity, which includes “Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos, Arab people, and European guys.”
However, not all of ChatGPT’s culinary creations made the cut. Arutyunyan revealed that the AI also suggested less appealing combinations, such as strawberries and pasta, or blueberries and breakfast cereal on pizza.
The use of AI in menu development is not unique to Dodo Pizza. Other restaurants, like Velvet Taco in Dallas, have also experimented with AI-generated recipes. Velvet Taco’s culinary director, Venecia Willis, told the BBC that while AI can produce “funky combinations,” it can also serve as a tool to overcome creative blocks.
#ChatGPTcreated #pizza #huge #success #Times #India