“The richest person in the world is a lackey for Team MAGA,” the email reads.”Musk already ruined Twitter by allowing hate speech and disinformation to flood the platform. Now, Musk is using his vast fortune and broad reach to try to control our democracy.”
Coinciding with the email, the Harris-Walz campaign has sent out a fundraising appeal with the subject line: “The two worst people you know are live this evening.” Reportedly, the email accuses Musk of pledging millions to re-elect Donald Trump and using his platform to propagate Trump’s agenda.
“It’s not enough that Musk has pledged to donate millions of dollars to help re-elect Trump. He’s using his purchased platform – one of the largest social media sites in the world – to spread Trump’s unhinged and hateful agenda to millions of users,” the email asserts, emphasizing the word “millions” in italics.
In addition to the email campaign, the Harris-Walz team has also leveraged Truth Social, Trump’s own platform, to escalate their attacks on the former president during his ongoing interview.
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