Prithvi Shaw going unsold in the IPL 2025 Auction has left fans and followers contemplating the drastic fall of the player. Once hailed as the next Sachin Tendulkar, Shaw became a revelation in the IPL in his debut season with Delhi Capitals in 2018. As an opener, he garnered the trust of the franchise and the coach Ricky Ponting and eventually gained an India call-up, but it all went downhill ever since he started incurring injury issues. He was also disciplined on occasions and had endured unrest at the personal front. However, what made matters worse was his dwindling form. He lost his place in the DC lineup by virtue of a prolonged quiet run and in the end, the franchise released him.
Delhi Capitals Co-owner Parth Jindal, who remains ever-vocal about his franchise and players, paid heed to the situation of Prithvi Shaw. According the Jindal, the “jolt” of going unsold in the auction could prove to be a blessing in disguise for the player. Further weighing in, he said the parallels drawn with Sachin Tendulkar and Brian Lara put him under immense pressure and not living up to the expectations had a price.
“Prithvi is a great kid, but is misunderstood in many ways. I think, one in a while, we all need a jolt, and need to be shaken up from our slump. But when all your life you grow up hearing that you are the special one, the most talented, and is the only other batsman in the world other than Sachin and Kohli to own an MRF bat, that tells you a lot. Somebody called him Lara, somebody called him Sachin, or the next big thing…so grew up in that environment. Everyone from Mumbai cricket was talking about him.”
“Mumbai has given us Sunil Gavaskar and Sachin Tendulkar, and now they were talking about him. So, this is that one jolt Prithvi needed. Till now he was on a fat IPL contract and playing across formats for Mumbai and was starting for Delhi,” he said.
Acknowledging the talent that Prithvi Shaw possesses, Parth Jindal hoped that the batter would turn the tide around and makes rumblings in the circuit again.
“He needs to work hard and get back to loving the game again, and work on his fitness and discipline. I hope he comes back and becomes the Prithvi Shaw he had known,” he added.
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