In a crackdown against illegal betting, related to LS poll results of 2024 and unauthorised broadcast of IPL matches, ED Monday said it attached assets of the accused, worth Rs 220 crore, taking the total attachment in the case to over Rs 337 crore. “The attached assets include demat account holdings, lands, flats and commercial warehouses located at Ajmer, Kutch, Daman, Thane and Mumbai worth Rs 219.66 crore of online betting app, Fairplay, and its promoters,” the agency said.
It has accused Fairplay and its directors of illegally broadcasting IPL matches & various e-betting activities.Earlier, the agency had attached assets worth Rs 117 crore of the accused. The agency, which is probing Fairplay for suspected laundering of black money, said its “investigation revealed that Fairplay collected funds through various bogus/shell companies and layered them through a complex web of transactions and then accumulated the funds in pharma companies involved in bogus billing.”
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