Marius Borg Hoiby, 27 years old, was initially detained on August 4 following a night-time altercation at the apartment of a woman with whom he was in a relationship. He was accused of causing bodily harm to the resident, and Norwegian media reported that a knife was found stuck into one of the walls of the woman’s bedroom, AFP News agency.
“At the beginning of September, police received information that Marius Borg Hoiby had, on several occasions, made unwanted contact with the woman, who has the status of victim in the incident,” police said in a statement on Saturday.
As a result, they “filed a report for reckless behaviour and imposed a restraining order on Hoiby”. However, they later received information that Hoiby had violated the restraining order, leading to his rearrest on Friday due to the “risk of recurrence”.
In addition to the initial incident, police now suspect Hoiby of crimes against three other victims, including domestic abuse of two women and threats to another person. Hoiby’s lawyer, Oyvind Bratlien, stated that his client denies the allegations, saying, “In my 17 years as a defence lawyer, I have never experienced or heard of an arrest on such a flimsy factual and legal basis”.
Hoiby was born in 1997 from a relationship prior to Mette-Marit’s marriage to Crown Prince Haakon in 2001. He was raised alongside his step-siblings, Princess Ingrid Alexandra, 20, and Prince Sverre Magnus, 18, by Mette-Marit and Haakon. Unlike his step-siblings, Hoiby does not hold any official public role, reported AFP news agency.
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