Vadra’s comments came in response to Ranaut’s recent statements. “She is a woman and she doesn’t deserve to be in the Parliament,” Vadra said, questioning her educational qualifications and suggesting that she prioritises her own interests over public welfare.”She should also think about women,” he added, urging that women’s safety and representation are crucial.
Vadra urged men across the country to consider women’s safety and to ensure that female politicians, including those from the BJP, advocate for women’s issues. “Nowadays we need to be concerned about women, for their safety and whatever is happening with women is wrong,” Vadra stated. “I request all the men in our country to think about the safety of women.”
While Vadra acknowledged his respect for Ranaut, he argued that her qualifications and approach do not align with the responsibilities of a parliamentary role. “I respect her but I feel that she has no place in the Parliament. She is not educated and there is no reason for her to be in the Parliament,” Vadra concluded.
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