BALLIA: A local SP leader was arrested on Sunday and an FIR was lodged against 22 people for allegedly using abusive language against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah, police said. Based on the complaint of Sub Inspector Varun Kumar Rakesh in Bhimpura police station, the FIR was lodged on Saturday night against SP leader Fateh Bahadur Yadav, Seema Bharti, Pushpa Devi, Sanju Devi, Reena Devi, Manisha Devi, Mansha Devi, Urmila, Manati, Nisha, Chandravati and Radhika Devi as well as 10 unknown persons.
The FIR was lodged under Sections 132 (obstructing public servant in discharge of public functions), 285 (causing danger on public roads), 287 (negligent conduct with respect to fire or combustible matter), 292 (provision of punishment for public nuisance) and 352 (insulting a person) of the BNS.
Citing the FIR lodged, he said that on December 20, the accused allegedly burnt effigies of PM Modi and Shah near the Sikariya canal culvert and used abusive language against them.
They also obstructed government work and blocked a road.
Bhimpura police station in-charge Madan Lal Patel said that the police have arrested the accused SP leader on Sunday.
Efforts are being made to arrest other accused.
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