This comes just a day after Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France. According to reports, France’s OFMIN, an office tasked with preventing violence against minors, had issued an arrest warrant for Telegram CEO in a preliminary investigation into alleged offences including fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organised crime and promotion of terrorism. French authorities have reported concerns about Telegram app’s moderation policies and its alleged failure to prevent criminal activity.
The Indian government’s investigation is being conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). The authorities are particularly interested in how Telegram has been used for illegal activities like extortion and gambling. While a ban is not ruled out, the final decision will depend on the outcome of the investigation.
Telegram’s ‘role’ in UGC-NEET paper leak
Telegram has faced criticism in the past for its role in spreading misinformation and facilitating illegal activities. The recent UGC-NEET controversy, in which the medical entrance exam paper was leaked and widely shared on the platform, has further intensified scrutiny. The paper was reportedly being sold for anywhere between Rs 5,000 and Rs 10,000 on the platform.
Despite facing these challenges, Telegram has maintained that it is compliant with Indian laws. The company has appointed a nodal officer and a chief compliance officer and publishes monthly compliance reports. However, the government has expressed difficulties in dealing with Telegram due to its lack of a physical presence in India.
In October 2023, the IT ministry had issued notices to Telegram and some other social media firms, directing them to remove child sexual abuse material (CSAM) from their platforms.
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