Thus, the CBFC (Central Board Of Film Certification) has not yet certified the movie and the actress continues to fight for her stand. Amidst this controversy, ‘The Kashmir Files’ director Vivek Agnihotri has spoken against censorship in content. The film-maker took to X (formerly Twitter) and wrote, “CENSORSHIP: No creative expression should ever be censored—that’s my personal view. But if you still insist on censorship, why not start with TV debates, news programs, political speeches, and religious sermons? These are often the real sources of fake news, division, hate, and violence.”
He further expressed, “If you feel it maligns you or hurts your sentiments, then you should develop some spine to take that criticism. If it doesn’t present your side, create something that presents your case. After all, cowards only censor what exposes their ugly face.”
It seems like Agnihotri has indirectly come out in support of Kangana as the actress also shared his views on social media.
‘Emergency’ sees Kangana essaying the role of Indira Gandhi and she has also directed the movie, which also stars Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Mahima Chaudhry.
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