Robin Uthappa finds himself embroiled in a new controversy and it came as a shock to many of his fans. Uthappa, an ex-Chennai Super Kings and Kolkata Knight Riders player has also won the inaugural edition of the T20 World Cup in 2007. An arrest warrant had been issued against the former India, CSK and KKR Player for alleged Provident Fund fraud. Shadakshari Gopal Reddy, the F Regional Commissioner had issued the warrant against Uthappa. He had also asked the Pulakeshinagar police to take the required action against the former cricketer.
The ex-CSK and KKR player has been given time till December 27, 2024 to clear all his dues which amounts to a total of ₹ 24 lakh. If Uthappa fails to clear his dues, then he also might be arrested. The former India player is now a successful broadcaster and has always been very vocal with his cricketing opinions.
Hours later the arrest warrant was issued, Robin Uthappa has issued a clarification on the entire matter and has presented his side of the story.
‘In light of recent news of the PF case against me, I would like to provide some clarification with regards to my involvement with Strawberry Lencería Pvt. Ltd., Centaurus Lifestyle Brands Pvt. Ltd., and Berryz Fashion House. In 2018-19, I was appointed as a director in these companies due to my financial contributions to them in the form of loans. However, I did not have an active executive role, nor was I involved in the day-to-day operations of the businesses. Regrettably, these companies failed to repay the funds I lent them, leading me to initiate legal proceedings, which are currently sub judice‘, wrote Uthappa.
Robin Uthappa is a reputed T20 Player. He has won the 2007 T20 World Cup and also the IPL with Kolkata Knight Riders and the Chennai Super Kings. In 205 IPL matches, Uthappa has scored 4952 runs with an average of 27.51 and at a strike rate of 130.35.
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