Speaking on the sidelines of the GFF, he told reporters that the capital markets’ rally has seen a shift of money away from the banks to the higher yielding alternatives.”As the market corrects over time, some of the money that was earlier with us, will come back,” he said.
Interestingly, he said the bank is also looking at the small-ticket deposits from the decade-old PMJDY across its vast network as well to drive its deposit growth. “(We are focusing) on the small-value, small ticket accounts to raise deposits. Jan Dhan is something we have not focused on (previously), which we will do,” he said.
It can be noted that for nearly 18 months, credit growth has been racing ahead of the deposit growth, forcing lenders to raise rates and compromise margins, and has also led to fears of banks being forced to temper loan growth. markets have witnessed an impressive rally in the last few months and the banking system has been complaining about the shift of funds being one of the reasons for slower deposit growth. agencies
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