The Sebi chief also said the regulator was working to bring down the minimum amount that an investor can invest in a mutual fund (MF) scheme through the systematic investment plan (SIP) route to Rs 250. Most MFs now offer SIPs with the minimum ticket size fixed at Rs 500.
The Sebi chief also said that it will follow a strict KYC regime for investing in the entities it regulates and will not allow a ‘PayTM-like contamination’. Last January, banking regulator RBI had asked PayTM Payments Bank to stop most of its services after the bank was found to have violated the know your customer (KYC) norms on several occasions and despite regulatory warnings.
The Sebi chief was interacting with the audience after releasing a report on the Indian Capital Market and launching a dedicated website for passive funds at NSE in the city.
The top regulator said that it was quite a while that the ASBA settlement system was launched for the secondary market on a voluntary basis and indicated it was about time it was made compulsory for select brokers.
Under ASBA in the primary market, an IPO application amount is blocked in the applicant’s bank account and is released only if shares are allotted.
The Sebi chief also said that the regulator would soon come out with a consultation paper that would aim to eliminate bad impacts of financial influencers (finfluencers in market parlance) on investors. It’s also working on ways to make it easier for investment advisors to get Sebi registration.
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